Warrior - explorer
someone you just don't wanna mess with

Name: Keeper
Age: ??? (Real old though)
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Ace
Race: Koumlat
Height: 8' 7"
Faction: Stonebound Court
Nicknames So Far:
Keeper is mysterious to say the least. They spend most of their time watching, waiting, observing, biding their time for... Something.
Under their harsh exterior, is a harsher still interior. Their patience with adults is short, unlike with children, and their strength is enough to incite fear. Keeper is slow to warm up to people, but they are surprisingly gentle when they do. Protecting and cherishing their friends is the name of the game, and they are winning it.
Even though they spend a good bit of their time suspiciously silent, Keeper seems to have made a good few allies. The Stonebound Court, Keeper being its leader, has seen to it that both the Autumn Court and the Lulling Sands factions have become allies early on. The faction and its leader suffers from a bit of introvertedness, though.
~ Trivia ~
* they have a few cats, going by the names of squish, smush, and lil dude
* they quote memes every so often, to the dismay of the elders and even some of their friends
* they like plants a lot
* dramatically posing with their cloak flowing in the wind? yeah
* their patience is wearing thinner by the day
and many more to be added!
Good friends! Allies in both factions and personal lives, and they love showing neat things to him. Feeler buddies! Emotional support friend.
A tiny, tiny gremlin. Enjoyable to be around, they'll admit, but a very bad troublemaker. They really do like the things she brings from other lands, though, and are happy that she and Port are friends.
A fellow adulting friend! The two can be responsible together, and that drives their nerves away for a bit. She's someone they can relax with, and that's pretty swell!
Another tiny gremlin, but less of a bastard this time. He may be a bit... Difficult (feral) at times, but the rest of the time he's pretty cool to be around. Surprisingly he calms their nerves a bit, especially when they don't have to look after them.
A good, hardworking shop owner! Thye're one of his most common customers, mainly because Port loves sweets, but also because it's just an overall pleasant experience there. They also like to pet his cat.
A cool person, and a trustworthy metallurgist. They send Port to them every so often for custom armor and weapons, as Koumlat-fitting things are quite rare to come by. Trustworthy person in general too.
A worthy opponent, and a worthy guardian of the Nether Portal as well. They’ve beaten her multiple times in combat, earning each other’s respect. They would say they are good friends, and they hang out sometimes, occasionally preventing Port from getting into the Nether.